Bulletin #1 Canadian Ad hoc Committee for the development of a neutral citation standard Hello everyone, Daniel and I have been hard at work this week developing a working draft document based on the outline you got in my last message. You will all have access to it as soon as it's ready early next week. We'll inform you of its URL through this list. We're planning a conference call with you all in 10 days, on Wednesday May 13, at 13:00 Montreal time, which would be 12:00 in Halifax and 15:00 in Vancouver, if memory serves right. Please confirm your participation by e-mail to myself and the phone number at wich we will be able to reach you at this time and date. Plan for half an hour. The agenda of this conference call is the following: 1- Accepting the working draft for public release. 2- Agreeing on a work schedule for the comming period. 3- Varia We suggest a conference call every other week until we get through the working draft and are able to release a public proposal for a standard by the end of June. If all goes well, that would be three conference calls, each on the following parts of the working draft: - Objectives and Architecture; - Identifier and language aspects; - Decision numbering and other issues. Each of these sessions will begin by agreeing on the text of the section of the proposal resulting from the previous session. You will all have been informed of the availability of the texts well before the call dates. We feel splitting up the working draft this way will provide better focus ang get us where we want quicker. As documents produced by the Committee become public, they will be posted on the Committe's Web site. Cheers. -- Guy Huard huard@crdp.umontreal.ca Editeur LexUM Centre de Recherche en Droit Public Universite de Montreal http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/ Tel: +1 (514) 343-7853 Fax: +1 (514) 343-7508