Bulletin #3

      Canadian Ad hoc Committee for the development of

               a neutral citation standard

Hello everyone,

        Here's a summary of our first conference call for 

the record and those who couldn't make it.

        The agenda for discussion was :

1- Accepting the working draft for public release.

2- Agreeing on a work schedule for the coming period.

3- Varia : opening up the Committee for broader representation.

1- Every participant not involved in preparing the draft

   found it well structured and very thorough. All agreed

   on its public release.

   Action : the draft's status on the Web page has been  

            upgraded by deletion of the mention "for approval 

            by the Committee..."; the Web page has been 

            linked from the CRDP's home page. It will also 

            be publicized by various means to attract a 

            wide audience.

2- The work schedule was approved. The next call will thus

   be at 13h00, Montreal time, on May 27, also a Wednesday. 

   The main topic will be sections 1 and 2 of the draft, 

   Objectives and Architecture.

3- All agreed on opening up the Committee to make it more

   representative, both geographically and across canadian 

   circles interested in case law citation.

   More specifically, we would like someone from the court 

   system of Ontario, have someone in view in British Columbia

   and Alberta and will talk to the ACCA. We'll also try

   for someone from the courts in the Maritimes. This

   recruitment process will also give visibility to the

   Committee among court systems of various provinces. This

   visibility  is important in preventing anyone from going 

   on a tangent of their own in terms of a neutral citation.

        Two other topics were brought up. First is the

updating of the Canadian Judicial Council Standards for 

the Preparation, Distribution and Citation of Canadian 

Judgements in Electronic Form. Obviously it will be needed

for its citation part when our standard is established. 

There might be other aspects of it that will also need to

be revised. Since most of the members of the Judges Computer

Advisory Committee that drew it are now on our Committee 

or will be invited to join, the two Committee might soon

become one and the same.  This will also give increased 

credibility to our current endeavour.

        The second point is the possible need for an

overseeing body for the implementation of the standard,

especially the tribunal designation aspect. It was pointed

out that this is a delicate matter, as its authority might 

be resisted in some quarters. The JCAC might just be well

accepted enough to pull it, though. One aspect of the

standard is that it can be implemented in a decentralized 

fashion, for that type of reason. The CLIC (Canadian Legal

Information Centre) was well regarded and there might be 

a need for such a body in the coming period. This matter 

will have to be looked at again.

        Finally, to foster a larger consultation process

starting very soon, we will add a "comments" link to the 

web page and people will also be able to subscribe to the

citation list if they want to intervene more actively.

The conferences calls will remain for the Committee's work.

An alternative would be setting up a second, public list,

but that would mean extra work, mostly duplication, and be

counterproductive in the end.

        That's it as far as I can see. If something is

missing from this report, let me know and I'll make the

correction before the next conference call so we're all

agreed by then.

        It's a long week-end starting in a few minutes.

Looks like we're in for nice weather in the Montreal

area. Wish the same to you all.




Guy Huard      huard@crdp.umontreal.ca

Editeur        LexUM

               Centre de Recherche en Droit Public

               Universite de Montreal


Tel: +1 (514) 343-7853

Fax: +1 (514) 343-7508