Consultation Documents

Centre de recherche en droit public [Français]


"A Neutral Citation Standard for Case Law" - (Please note that these documents are now obsolete!!)

Document (.html) (.doc) (.rtf)
Questionnaire (.html) (.doc) (.rtf)


The consultation document is the achievment of the long process to elaborate a neutral citation standard for Canadian case law. These documents are at your disposition to consult. If you want to make any comments or suggestions, and we do encourage you to do so, you can by different means.

by e-mail :

by ordinary mail :

Canadian Citation Committee
a/s Daniel Poulin
LEXUM, CRDP, Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-Ville
Montréal, Qc H3C 3J7


by telephone or fax :

tel: (514) 343-2139
fax: (514) 343-7508

Bruno Ménard, June 14 1999