- Conferences
Free Access to Law Training Session - Antananarivo (December 12-15, 2005)
6th International Conference on Law via the Internet (Paris - November 3, 4 & 5, 2004)
Free Access to Law Training Session - Ouagadougou (February 23-27, 2004)
4th International Conference on Law via the Internet (October 2, 3 & 4, 2002)
Journée d'étude sur la Loi concernant le cadre juridique des technologies de l'information (September 27, 2001)
Colloque sur l'accès à l'information juridique au Québec (November 29, 2000)
SGML and Law on the Infohighways
SGML Technology 1996 (March 27, 1996)
SGML et INFOROUTES (September 27, 1995)
Crown copyright in cyberspace (May 12, 1995)
The electronic superhighway: the shape of technology and law to come (May 13, 1994)