
Posting Judgments that can be Listened to – Lexum’s Approach to WCAG Compliance

Web accessibility is about the capacity of Web content to be used by people with disabilities. It aims at lifting barriers that prevent disabled people from navigating the Web, understanding its content and contributing to it.For the visually impaired, this means that the semantics conveyed by the visual presentation of a document Read more


Making old cases new: the digitization of case law

Information that is born digital today tends to be accessible online and thus better preserved than 20 years ago, before the Web made it much easier. Prior to the Web’s revolution in information technology, content that was prepared electronically with word-processors was mostly preserved on paper and not digitally, the native files being overwritten with newer content in order to save memory space... Read more


Model Policy for Access to Court Records in Canada

In May 2003, the Canadian Judicial Council released a discussion paper prepared by the Judges Technology Advisory Committee (JTAC) entitled “Open Courts, Electronic Access to Court Records, and Privacy,” which built upon an earlier report for the Administration of Justice Committee of the Council. Read more


Use of Personal Information in Judgments and Recommended Protocol

The JTAC Open Courts and E-Access to Court Records and Privacy Subcommittee was asked in February, 2004 to consider developing and implementing a standardized national protocol to de-identify family judgments which would allow all of them to be posted on court websites. Read more


The preparation of documents for electronic distribution

Distribution of documents in printed form is characterized by its simplicity. The recipient will only see what the printed version of the document shows and will have access to no more information than the words appearing on the pages. This situation is far different from that of electronic distribution of documents. The visual presentation of electronic documents is more flexible. The appearance of... Read more