25 for 25: So, It’s Been 25 Years. The LII, It's Descendants and their Future.
In the eighties and nineties, the nascent Internet was closely connected with a culture of sharing. In those times, sharing did not meant “sharing economy” in today’s sense (Airbnb, Uber, etc), but making something available for free on the Internet. The dream was that over time even more things would be available for free and that everybody would benefit from it. It is the context in which I personally became interested in making Canadian law accessible for free on the Internet..... By Daniel Poulin
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A Short Case Study of Administrative Decision Publishing
While open and free access to American judicial opinions has progressed substantially over the last few years, very little attention has been given to the state of access to administrative legal information.  Maybe Tom Bruce did not ask kindly enough in 2013 when he wrote “Dear Federal Agencies… put your goddamned ALJ Opinions Up” in this post. By Pierre-Paul Lemyre
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Lexbox now available on CanLII
It is now possible to organize your research record with Lexbox directly from CanLII, in any browser. 
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Decisia 4.3 Brings User Groups Feature and Increased Security
Lexum recently rolled-out Decisia 4.3.  Here are some of the new features included in this latest version...
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A new way to publish secondary materials on CanLII
CanLII recently rolled out significant improvements to the way they publish commentary. Thanks to Lexum’s Qweri software powering this new innovation, you can now read legal commentary in a more elegant format with content that is easier to search and navigate...
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Decisia to Serve More Canadian Federal Tribunals: CITT, CT, PSDPT, PSLREB, SCT, and TATC

La Commission de la Construction du Québec adopte Decisia
The Federal Court Confirms Office of the Privacy Commissioner’s Findings About Globe24h
Last Monday, on January 30th, the Federal Court issued a judgment in an application against the Globe24h.com website and its owner, Mr. Sebastian Radulescu. Mr. Radulescu’s activities have been discussed over the past couple of years in mainstream media as well as here on Slaw... By Frédéric Pelletier
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CAIJ – CANLII : nouvelle entente pour la diffusion de la jurisprudence québécoise
Le Centre d’accès à l’information (CAIJ) et l’Institut canadien d’information juridique (CanLII) continuent leur collaboration et s’entendent pour la diffusion imminente de plusieurs dizaines de milliers de décisions rendues par quatre tribunaux administratifs québécois entre les années 1980 et 2015.
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Supreme Court of Canada provides operational statistics for the period 2006-2016
The statistics presented here are crucial to the Court’s ongoing efforts to improve its efficiency, speed up its processes and measure its current performance against historical standards and new expectations...
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The Future of Law and “Intelligent” Technologies: Prophecies, Technologies and Opportunities – Part 1
Career prophets have been announcing the demise of the legal profession for decades already. [...] Recently, the prophecies have taken a new turn. While outsourcing, offshoring, legal Taylorism—all previous threats of course remain, we are now being forewarned about a new source of disruption: “intelligent software” in law. By Daniel Poulin
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