Host a Lexbox Webinar!

The attention paid to innovations in legal research has increased significantly and Lexbox is on the cutting edge of that trend. By partnering with legal associations around Canada, Lexbox is making its legal research expertise accessible through webinars. We are pairing with legal organizations of all size to educate members and participants on how to improve their legal researching techniques. Over the last few months we’ve hosted webinars with organizations of all sizes including the Toronto Lawyers Association, the Ontario Courthouse Libraries Association, CPD Ontime, the Vancouver and Montreal Law Librarians Associations, as well as the Canadian Bar Association (CBA) Manitoba and Alberta branches.

Webinars are functionally similar to team-building workshops, with the added benefit of increased accessibility. Our webinars are live online meetings but can also be accessed on YouTube afterwards for those unable to attend, catering to the demands of busy professionals.

Interested in hosting a Lexbox webinar for your group or organization? Get in touch – let’s collaborate!

“This well-paced, interactive and informative session provided an excellent overview of Lexbox and its usefulness for legal researchers. The presenter ably described the basics of the service while also answering specific, technical questions regarding the extent of its capabilities.”
Melanie R. Bueckert, Legal Research Counsel
Manitoba Court of Appeal