Illustrated Judgments


Daniel Poulin, Pierre-Yves Régnier
Professor, Chaire en information juridique, CRDP, Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal
Research agent, Chaire en information juridique, CRDP, Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal

Abstract. Legal information institutes (LIIs) are publishers. Today, a new form of legal literature, that some have called “electronificated,” needs to be addressed by the legal publishing industry. This paper wants to bring the new phenomenon of the growing use of a variety of non-textual elements in judicial opinions to the attention of LIIs.

At inception, LII web sites were strongly innovative. The challenge created by the multimedia nature of today’s legal literature is one more opportunity for LIIs to show leadership as designers of tomorrow’s legal information systems.

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