Supreme Court of Canada Decisions website survey results are in! Great news for Free Access to Law across the board

A few weeks ago, Lexum invited users of the Lexum – Supreme Court of Canada Decisions’ website to participate in a survey to help improve the site.

With over 800 participants, precious feedback was provided which will serve to guide improvements to be brought to the site throughout 2012. Some findings were anticipated: the vast majority of users are found to be lawyers.  Other responses were slightly more unexpected: the most requested improvement by users is the expansion of the collection to include decisions going back as far as 1876, whereas very few (3%) of respondents are interested in integrating social media tools to the site.

Beyond helping to improve the Lexum – Supreme Court of Canada Decisions’ website, the survey also included more general questions pertaining to legal research as a whole. The answers to these questions spoke volumes for free access to law in Canada: CanLII tops all. CanLII is indeed most frequently used, has the best search tools, and is the favored source for legal information over both free and paying resources available across Canada.

Throughout 2012, upgrades will be made to the Lexum – Supreme Court of Canada Decisions website. These upgrades will be announced through the site’s RSS feeds and mailing lists and via Lexum’s Twitter feed.