The Harvard Library Innovation Lab Highlights Decisia as a Solution for its CAP for Courts Project

Lexum is pleased to announce it has been identified by Harvard’s CAP for Courts project as a solution provider for digital-first case publishing for U.S Courts.

The Caselaw Access Project (CAP) expands public access to U.S. law. Its mission is to broaden public accessibility to U.S law online, notably by providing free access to all published decisions from U.S courts, digitized from the collection of the Harvard Law Library. CAP for Courts is one of its latest initiatives, and consists of helping courts modernize their reporting processes. CAP for Courts assists courts planning actively to move away from print-first publishing practices and adopting digital-first publishing.

Lexum has been committed for years in working with courts to offer digital-first publishing solutions. More precisely Decisia is Lexum’s solution providing a high-quality self-publishing and electronic management platform for decision-making bodies. Courts using Decisia are opting for the market leading solution for the online delivery of courts opinions, orders, notices, and other related documents. Decisia features include a flexible data and field configuration, automated conversion of documents to HTLM and PDF, proximity search, and the intelligent highlighting of keywords within documents. Decisia makes researching opinions directly on the Court website fast and easy thanks to a user-friendly interface.

Not surprisingly, Decisia has been cited by the CAP for Courts Project as one of the solutions meeting the essential project guidelines. Case studies provided on the CAP website illustrate how Decisia is already helping several courts achieve digital-first publishing:

Thanks to this, US Courts selecting Decisia to implement their digital-first publishing strategy can now benefit from a database populated with all of their historical decisions digitized by the CAP project.