Qweri 1.17 Improves Navigation and Printing

The latest version of Qweri is packed with many new features facilitating the navigation and printing of large documents.  Here are the most important upgrades:

End of the “previous / next page” buttons

By implementing a fluid infinite scroll in its right-hand panel, Qweri now allows you to browse smoothly through the document body, up and down, without ever having to click on a “next page” button. Additional text is loaded automatically as you approach the end of your page.

The infinite scroll is active whether you access the document body from the table of contents or from the search panel.

A table of contents that adjusts to your browsing

Qweri’s new table of contents adjust automatically to your position in the document body by highlighting the item that you are currently reading and closing the ones that you passed.  In consequence, the title of the section that you are reading is always put in evidence.

Granular printing

Printing with Qweri is now more flexible than ever. Qweri 1.17 allows you to print a part, a chapter, a section, a fragment or only a paragraph of your document by simply selecting it from the table of contents. Once you have selected an item of the table of contents, click on the “More” button to access the printing options.  From here you have the possibility to generate a printer-friendly page including the selected item only, or the entire document.