Lexum is proud to announce that Decisia has been selected for the online publishing of the Cayman Islands Law Reports (CILR) as well as the unreported judgments of the Cayman Islands judiciary. Decisia will be seamlessly integrated to the Cayman Islands Judicial & Legal Information Website and provide subscribers with improved navigation and search in the Cayman Islands case law. Overall it is a total of 3,000 judgments from the Cayman Islands that are to be migrated to Decisia.
The CILR were first published in the mid-1980s and is a publication which is edited and produced to the highest academic and professional standards. They now contain reports of the most significant decisions in Cayman law from 1952 to the present day (with notes of some earlier cases back to the start of the 20th century). Coverage is given to precedents created by the modern courts — the Grand Court, the Court of Appeal and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in London — and also to older cases in courts to which Cayman appeals no longer lie, the Supreme Court of Jamaica, the Court of Appeal of Jamaica and the Federal Supreme Court.