Lexum has just launched its quarterly Newsletter which will cover the latest info on market trends, news and company updates. You can read the first edition here . If you like what you read, please subscribe to continue receiving the next editions of the Lexum Newsletter (only 4 per year). Click here to subscribe to the newsletter. Read more
Create Your Own Annotated Federal Acts of Canada with Qweri
Lexum has made all Federal Acts of Canada available with Qweri for some months now and their popularity is growing rapidly. In addition to the linking of sections with caselaw, the mobile friendly interface and the powerful search, you can now add personal notes to your most often consulted legislative texts. To add your notes to the Federal Acts of Canada, first create an account with Qweri : Thereafter... Read more
Court Martial Decisions Soon to be Made Available with Decisia by the Department of National Defence
The Office of the Chief Military Judge , an independent unit of the Canadian Forces, has selected Decisia to facilitate access to court martial decisions on its own website. In 2013, 75 courts martial decisions were issued. Decisia will substantially improve searching and browsing these decisions, in addition to allowing the dissemination of the court martial archives in a format compatible with web... Read more
Making the Most Out of Word Templates and Styles
This blog post is the first of a series of five addressing the question: how far can legal information providers go by building upon Word files? This content is part of a paper to be presented at the 2014 Law via the Internet Conference to be held in Cape Town from September 30th to October […] Read more
The "Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec, du Loisir et du Sport" launches their Decisia portal
The "Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec, du Loisir et du Sport" launches their Decisia portal to improve the accessibility to their documents. Read more
New features in Decisia 3.13: PDF Display & API Doc
Lexum is pleased to announce its latest version of Decisia: Decisia 3.13. Read more
Lexum to talk at Nudging Regulations conference by CIAJ in Ottawa
Daniel Poulin, President of Lexum will be a panelist at the Nudging Regulations conference by Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice in Ottawa on September 9th, 2014. In addition, Lexum will have a booth to present Qweri, a cloud based software to publish online manuals. Read more
Qweri 1.6 is out with new Dashboard and Notes feature!
Qweri 1.6 introduces two new major features for your manuals publishing: Dashboard and Notes. Read more
Get alerts on latest Supreme Court of Canada decisions with Twitter
From now on, you’ll be able to get notices of all the new Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) decisions on Twitter by following our account https://twitter.com/lexum_inc . Read more
Decisia 3.12 Adds Audit Trail, Record Deletion, and Drag and Drop
With the launch of Decisia 3.12, Lexum continues to improve the performance of online publishing of decisions. Read more