

Guyana's judicial system is moving forward with LexSuite

In 2010 Lexum announced the conclusion of an agreement with the judicial system of Guyana for the development and deployment of a case management and document management system. After several months of customization, installation of hardware and procedural adjustments at the registries involved, the new case management and document management system was deployed a few weeks ago and has been fully operational... Read more


A Brand New Version of the ICTDec Website

Lexum has just launched a new version of the ICTDec website on behalf of the International Telecommunication Union. ICTDec provides privileged access to regulatory decisions in the field of ICT. Graphicaly, ICTDec now aligns with the corporate image of the ITU. But beyond the visual, the new website now includes the LexFind search engine from Lexum. In addition to a more sophisticated processing of... Read more


What’s new about the new SCC cases website?

A week after the release of the new SCC cases website, you may have already discovered most of its features. In case some functionality went unnoticed, here are a few highlights of what’s new about the new SCC cases website. Browsing and searching Leave applications in addition to Appeals Direct access to the original file and the PDF version (click on the DOC or PDF icons in navigation lists and... Read more


The Supreme Court of Canada Decision’s Website now on Decisia

Since yesterday the Supreme Court of Canada decision's website is available through the Decisia platform. Some new features to be noticed: direct links to the SCC case information, navigation and search on applications for leave, additional search fields (by judge, by province of origin, ...), improved access by subject and more. See it in action at . Read more


The International Trade Centre chooses LexEdo

The International Trade Centre has chosen LexEdo to manage and distribute West African regional legislative material and corresponding texts from Ivory Coast. Lexum will customize LexEdo according to the particular attributes of these documents. The platform will provide content managers with a user-friendly administrative interface on the one hand, facilitating website updates. On the other hand, website users will benefit from access to these documents and from powerful search tools to help better identify relevant information. Read more


The Agence de la Santé et des Services Sociaux de la Montérégie (ASSSM) Chooses LexCrawl for its Information Monitoring

The information monitoring system developed by Lexum and based on its LexCrawl technology will enable the ASSSM to perform continuous monitoring of programs and activities related to public health in Montérégie. LexCrawl will allow the ASSSM to monitor and filter relevant information disseminated on the websites of municipalities, schools, hospitals and other local organizations. The collected data... Read more
