

The International Trade Centre chooses LexEdo

The International Trade Centre has chosen LexEdo to manage and distribute West African regional legislative material and corresponding texts from Ivory Coast. Lexum will customize LexEdo according to the particular attributes of these documents. The platform will provide content managers with a user-friendly administrative interface on the one hand, facilitating website updates. On the other hand, website users will benefit from access to these documents and from powerful search tools to help better identify relevant information. Read more


The Agence de la Santé et des Services Sociaux de la Montérégie (ASSSM) Chooses LexCrawl for its Information Monitoring

The information monitoring system developed by Lexum and based on its LexCrawl technology will enable the ASSSM to perform continuous monitoring of programs and activities related to public health in Montérégie. LexCrawl will allow the ASSSM to monitor and filter relevant information disseminated on the websites of municipalities, schools, hospitals and other local organizations. The collected data... Read more


Improved look and features: Get to know Decisia 3.0

Decisia 3.0 is here! Installations are already available on the websites of the Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal and of the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada . For a guided tour of all the new features, check out our YouTube channel. --- Decisia is a web-based tool for courts, tribunals and professional associations looking to offer easy and professional access to their decisions right from their... Read more


Check out what we put together at the BC QPAC Hackathon last week

This past Friday, Lexum’s Marc-André Morissette and Daniel Poulin participated in British-Columbia’s Queens Printer hackathon , held as part of the Printers’ annual meeting. During this event, Marc-André put together the follow two items: Using LexView , Marc-André transformed a piece of legislation into an easy-to-navigate document. LexView is particularly... Read more


Free Access to Law in Canada

13.05.2012 Tags:   Daniel Poulin, Free Access to Law, Electronic Access to Law in Canada Free Access to Law in Canada Author: Daniel Poulin Abstract: Today, the level of access to legal information in Canada equals or surpasses that of any country. Not only do several commercial publishers compete to sell their publications but, in […] Read more


Lexum Contributes to the Proceedings of the Hague Conference on Access to Foreign Law

From February 15 to 17 the European Commission and the Hague Conference on Private International Law held a conference in Brussels under the theme " Access to Foreign Law in Civil and Commercial Matters ". Professor Daniel Poulin, President of Lexum, chaired a panel on the theme of "Availability of online legal information." According to prof. Poulin, the unanimous conclusions of the conference are... Read more