This morning, The Montreal Gazette helps Lexum inc. celebrate its first birthday. Click here to access the article. Read more
Decisions from the Canada Industrial Relations Board
The Canada Industrial Relations Board has chosen the LexEdo platform to disseminate its decisions and orders on its Web site. Read more
Scanning of the Guyana Law Reports (1930-1976)
Lexum will digitize the historical collection of the Guyana Law Reports, covering the period from 1930 to 1976. This electronic collection will complement the Law Reports that Lexum is currently producing for the period from 1977 to 2007. Read more
Bélanger Sauvé contributes to Oyez Oyez
One of Quebec's leading municipal law firms collaborates with Oyez Oyez. Bélanger Sauvé will contribute its extensive knowledge of municipal affairs to help Oyez Oyez become an indispensable tool for accessing municipal public materials. The most visible outcome of this partnership will consist of providing users of this website with news related to the transparency of municipal governance. Read more
Oyez Oyez is pleased to welcome its two first member municipalities
Oyez Oyez, a website with the mandate to facilitate access to municipal by-laws from accross the province, is proud to welcome its two first member municipalities : Sainte-Adèle and Sainte-Catherine. As Oyez Oyez members, Saint-Adèle and Sainte-Catherine's municipal staff and citizens benefit from a personalized web page where by-laws, council meeting minutes and agendas and other public documents... Read more
Group Discounts for Administrative Tribunals
Lexum has recently established a group discount for administrative tribunals choosing LexEdo to disseminate their decisions on their own websites. Group members receive discounts ranging from 30 to 50% over the regular cost of our turnkey services. This offer can significantly reduce the costs associated with managing websites of administrative tribunals. A group was created for federal administrative... Read more
Launch of our services to the municipalities of Quebec on
The publishing services for municipal bylaws, minutes and agenda of the council meetings, public notices and other public documents are now available on . These services to municipalities are provided under a set of packages adapted to the needs of both small and large municipalities and can be setup as of today. The municipalities of Sainte-Catherine and Sainte-Adèle are the first to publish their documentation through OyezOyez. Read more
Lexum to implement LexCrawl technology for the CAPTURE project
Lexum will be deploying its web crawler, LexCrawl, for the CAPTURE project to aid chronic disease prevention practitioners and program managers in their daily work. Look for its release next spring! Read more
Lexum to develop an Information Architecture and Governance Model for the Senate of Canada
Lexum was selected by the Senate of Canada to undertake a consultation mandate with the objective of modeling its information architecture and to propose a corresponding governance model. Over the next few months Lexum will complete an in-depth analysis of the various business processes of the Senate involving the management and use of legislative information. Read more
Lexum is hiring!
Lexum is constantly looking for new talent and these days more than ever. Having signed a number of major deals, the business is fast growing. In order to meet the increasing demand for its products and services, Lexum is looking to hire software analysts . Main qualifications expected: enthusiasm, ability to meet challenges and a drive to facilitate access to legal information. Lexum offers an attractive... Read more