

Internationalization of ICTdec

Lexum recently concluded an agreement with the International Telecommunication Union for the internationalization of the ICTdec website , the online point of access to decisions from international telecommunication regulators. Lexum is thus responsible for the translation of the ICTdec website and management interface into the 6 official languages of the United Nations. Moreover, Lexum will implement... Read more


Lexum Acquires its Independance from the Université de Montréal

On April 1st, Lexum Inc acquired all of the activities of the Lexum Research Laboratory of the Université de Montréal. Lexum Inc is a company owned by the main researchers of the laboratory and is operated in the same offices and by the same staff. This transaction will allow us to better meet the different business needs of Lexum's clients and make the long term growth of the company possible. Read more


CLEBC chose ELIIsa for its new enterprise search solution

Lexum is proud to announce the conclusion of a second major agreement with The Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia (CLEBC) , this time for the implementation of an enterprise search solution. CLEBC chose ELIIsa in order to provide its users with advanced search features for its entire product line including its online practice manuals, its practice points, its case digest, its course... Read more


Scanning of historical decisions for the Department of Justice Canada

Lexum recently concluded an agreement with the Department of Justice Canada for the digitization of historic judicial cases from the Federal Courts. Lexum will identify the most cited judicial cases that are still inaccessible in electronic format in the body of documents integrated to the main knowledge database of the Department. Lexum scanning team is in charge of recovering the judicial cases, of digitizing them, of performing optical character recognition and ultimately of converting them to HTML. Read more


Lexum publishes the first output of the Global Study on Free Access to Law

Lexum has recently published the Local Researcher's Methodology Guide as part of the Global Study on Free Access to Law. This study, entitled "Free Access to Law - Is it Here to Stay?", is funded by the International Development Research Center (IDRC) and coordinated by Lexum in partnership with SAFLII and The Centre for Internet and Society. The study will analyse Free Access to Law initiatives around... Read more


Lexum will Contribute to Partnership Against Cancer Canada (CPAC)'s Cancer Prevention Policies Databasee

Lexum is proud to announce the conclusion of an agreement with Partnership Against Cancer Canada (CPAC), an independent organization accelerating action on cancer control across Canada. Lexum will implement a crawler to assist CPAC's portal team in monitoring ongoing changes in legislative material and policies disseminated over the Internet on a large number of distinct websites as well as to develop... Read more


Free Access to Law – Is it Here to Stay? Researchers methodology guide

This Methodology Guide was developed collaboratively by the project members of “Free Access to Law – Is it Here to Stay?” This study was made possible thanks to a grant from the International Development Research Centre as well as support from the Open Society Institute. Read more