
Sub-second search on CanLII

Sub-second search on CanLII Marc-André Morissette*, Director of Technology, Lexum, morissette@lexum.comDaniel Shane, Senior developer, Lexum, shaned@lexum.com Abstract. Search engines are at the heart of a Legal Information Institute. They are the principal mean by which its users access the information it offers. It is therefore of critical importance that this tool be as efficient as […] Read more


Is a Wind of Change Blowing Through the Quebec Government?

13.05.2011 Tags:  Pierre-Paul Lemyre, Open source Free Software Is a Wind of Change Blowing Through the Quebec Government? by Pierre-Paul Lemyre Five years ago, I coordinated a series of meetings with IT managers within the Quebec Government. I met with senior administrators, business analysts, and software team leaders from all over the administration, ranging from the […] Read more


Lexum at the e-Learning Africa Conference

The e-Learning Africa Conference is one of the largest of its kind, bringing together practioners, experts, researchers and newcomers from over 75 countries worlwide. Lexum will be participating in a pre-conference workshop interested in the sustainability of free access web resources. Click here for a description of the workshoop and more information on e-Learning Africa. Read more


Illustrated Judgments

28.04.2011 Tags:  Daniel Poulin, Free Access to Law, Electronic Access to Law in Canada Daniel Poulin, Pierre-Yves RégnierProfessor, Chaire en information juridique, CRDP, Faculté de droit, Université de MontréalResearch agent, Chaire en information juridique, CRDP, Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal Abstract. Legal information institutes (LIIs) are publishers. Today, a new form of... Read more


Bélanger Sauvé contributes to Oyez Oyez

One of Quebec's leading municipal law firms collaborates with Oyez Oyez. Bélanger Sauvé will contribute its extensive knowledge of municipal affairs to help Oyez Oyez become an indispensable tool for accessing municipal public materials. The most visible outcome of this partnership will consist of providing users of this website with news related to the transparency of municipal governance. Read more


Oyez Oyez is pleased to welcome its two first member municipalities

Oyez Oyez, a website with the mandate to facilitate access to municipal by-laws from accross the province, is proud to welcome its two first member municipalities : Sainte-Adèle and Sainte-Catherine. As Oyez Oyez members, Saint-Adèle and Sainte-Catherine's municipal staff and citizens benefit from a personalized web page where by-laws, council meeting minutes and agendas and other public documents... Read more


Group Discounts for Administrative Tribunals

Lexum has recently established a group discount for administrative tribunals choosing LexEdo to disseminate their decisions on their own websites. Group members receive discounts ranging from 30 to 50% over the regular cost of our turnkey services. This offer can significantly reduce the costs associated with managing websites of administrative tribunals. A group was created for federal administrative... Read more