
The Alberta Environmental Appeals Board chooses Decisia

The Alberta Environmental Appeals Board (AEAB) will use Decisia from Lexum for the management and dissemination of its decisions, as well as those of the Public Lands Appeals Board established under Alberta's Public Lands Act, and a forestry appeal body to be established under Alberta's forestry legislation. Thanks to its auto-fill feature that recognizes metadata directly in the body of decisions, Decisia will allow AEAB staff to efficiently publish its decisions online and make them easy to search in full text and with adapted fields. The AEAB advances the protection, enhancement and wise... Read more


Lexum is the Proud Sponsor of the 2014 Professional Development Forum of the Foundation of Administrative Justice (FOAJ)

Since 2005 the Foundation of Administrate Justice’s Forum (formerly conference) brings together the various actors of the administrative justice sector for professional development and debate. This year's event is presented by Lexum and will take place in Edmonton, Alberta, on April 8-9. The program focus on unique aspects of evidence before, during and after the hearing. The sessions will cover emotional evidence, privacy issues in disclosure, assessing credibility in investigations and hearings, evidence to establish charter and societal values when interpreting legislation, and writing... Read more


Lexum Launches the First Free Version of the Annotated Income Tax Act of Canada

Lexum has been using Canada's Income Tax Act to demonstrate the ease of use of its Qweri technology for some time. This new release significantly increase the added value provided to users, creating the first and only free annotated version of the Act. Replicating the model adopted by Lexum for its successful Annotated Civil Code of Quebec, the new Annotated Income Tax Act includes: For each section... Read more


The Civil Code of Quebec (CCQ) now powered by Qweri

The Annotated Civil Code of Quebec “ACCQ” by Lexum is a free online version of the Civil Code of Quebec (C.C.Q.), divided by sections and including links pointing towards the Quebec jurisprudence. Articles of ACCQ can be accessed by browsing in its structure or by performing a full text search. Qweri is a turnkey solution by Lexum for the management and publication of online manuals. Here's some... Read more


Pierre-Paul Lemyre, Director of Business Development of Lexum, Speaking at NISO on the Semantic Web and Rights Management

On February 19, 2014, the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) is hosting a virtual Conference on “ The Semantic Web Coming of Age: Technologies and Implementations ”. Pierre-Paul Lemyre, one of the founders of Lexum and Director of Business Development will be delivering a presentation titled “Sharing Information on the Semantic Web: The Need for a Global License Repository”. This presentation underlines the importance of adequate rights management mechanisms in the success of recent online trends that have initiated the distributed production of information (namely open source... Read more


The Seychelles Judiciary Choose Qweri to Self-Publish its Statutes Book

Qweri was selected for the online management and publishing of the most commonly referred to version of the laws of the Seychelles – dubbed the Grey Book. The collection contains 80 consolidated statutes and will be made accessible on the SeyLII website. Qweri's capacity to generate both HTML 5 versions of the statutes for advanced research and ePub versions for installation on mobile devices was... Read more


Saint-Rémi Launches a Portal Providing Access to Public Documents Based on OyezOyez

The City of Saint-Rémi just made available on its website a wide range of public documents using OyezOyez by Lexum. The citizens of Saint-Rémi can now easily navigate and search municipal by-laws, minutes of council and committees meetings, various communications (Echo Saint-Rémi and the municipal bulletins), and various other publications. OyezOyez also allows anyone to sign up to receive email... Read more


Decisia Now Powers the Disciplinary Actions Database of the Canadian Insurance Regulators

Lexum’s cloud based software Decisia is now powering the Canadian Insurance Regulators Disciplinary Actions’s (CIRDA) new database which has been designed to be a single point of access for decisions taken by Canadian insurance regulators. Read more


Daniel Poulin, president of Lexum, speaking in Sydney on "Free access to law" and "Open Data"

AustLII's fifth lunchtime Research Seminar for 2013 on November 19th, will be presented by Professor Daniel Poulin from Lexum, one of the international pioneers and founders of free access to legal information, on the topic of "Free access to law" and "Open Data" - Similarities and Differences. Read more