
Check out what we put together at the BC QPAC Hackathon last week

This past Friday, Lexum’s Marc-André Morissette and Daniel Poulin participated in British-Columbia’s Queens Printer hackathon , held as part of the Printers’ annual meeting. During this event, Marc-André put together the follow two items: http://www.lexum.com/lexviewdemobc/ Using LexView , Marc-André transformed a piece of legislation into an easy-to-navigate document. LexView is particularly... Read more


Lexum Contributes to the Proceedings of the Hague Conference on Access to Foreign Law

From February 15 to 17 the European Commission and the Hague Conference on Private International Law held a conference in Brussels under the theme " Access to Foreign Law in Civil and Commercial Matters ". Professor Daniel Poulin, President of Lexum, chaired a panel on the theme of "Availability of online legal information." According to prof. Poulin, the unanimous conclusions of the conference are... Read more


1600 historical decisions to be added to the Supreme Court of Canada Decisions website

Lexum is in the midst of a project which will add 1600 historical decisions to the Surpeme Court of Canada Decisions website . Decisions to be added will start in 1947 and work their way back to reach the total of additional decisions. Further, decisions from 1970 to 2011 will see their PDFs replaced with scans of the side-by-side decisions as published in the original Supreme Court Reports. All this... Read more


Supreme Court of Canada Decisions website survey results are in! Great news for Free Access to Law across the board

A few weeks ago, Lexum invited users of the Lexum – Supreme Court of Canada Decisions’ website to participate in a survey to help improve the site. With over 800 participants, precious feedback was provided which will serve to guide improvements to be brought to the site throughout 2012. Some findings were anticipated: the vast majority of users are found to be lawyers. Other responses were slightly... Read more


The Standards Council of Canada chooses LexCrawl to monitor Canadian legislation

Lexum is proud to announce the conclusion of an agreement with the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) , a federal Crown corporation with the mandate to promote efficient and effective standardization in Canada. Lexum will provide the SCC with a customized version of its LexCrawl web crawler software module in order to support the SCC staff in its monitoring of references to standards embodied in the... Read more


Add hyperlinks to citations in your documents with LexHub

Lexum's hyperlinking tool is back, with a new look and a new name: LexHub . LexHub turns legislative and case law citations in your documents into hyperlinks which lead to the source documents on CanLII. It couldn't be easier to use: upload your document, click "submit", and LexHub returns your documents with the citations hyperlinked. And best of all, it's completely free! Click here to try it today... Read more