Additional Content from Quebec on the CAIJ and CanLII Websites

Lexum is proud of its contribution to the processing and publishing of important databases in Quebec law that are now available on the websites of the CAIJ and CanLII. This collaboration between two important clients of Lexum dramatically increase online access to legal information in Quebec.

The recently published databases on one or the other sites include:

  • The annual Statutes of Québec since 1996
  • Federal Annual Statutes since 2001
  • A selection of decisions published between 1869 and 1969 in the Revue légale
  • Decisions published between 1983 and 1996 in the Recueils de droit judiciaire (RDJ)
  • Decisions published between 1994 and 2004 in the Répertoire électronique de jurisprudence du Barreau (REJB)

See the CAIJ press release.

See the CanLII press release.